Mindful Reading
Mindful Reading
#15 - Slow Productivity by Cal Newport

#15 - Slow Productivity by Cal Newport

*Apologies for any rain noise that came through or distorted the audio.

Slow Productivity by Cal Newport is about the philosophy of Slow Productivity, which in turn is about, as the subtitle suggests, "The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout". It looks at the structure of work over time, from hunter gatherers to modern knowledge workers, focusing on the foundations of how we came to a point where we're working frantically, on the edge on burnout. A point brought across in these early chapters is the idea that even though we both look and are busier throughout each day, we aren't actually achieving more - it's what he calls Pseudo-Productivity. The book then goes on to discuss three principles that encompass the philosophy of Slow Productivity: Do Fewer Things, Work at a Natural Pace, and Obsess Over Quality.

Hosted by Peter Banda & James de Klerk

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Mindful Reading
Mindful Reading
An unashamedly self-help podcast where we go through interesting self-help books, and discuss the nuggets of wisdom in them. Once a month, we'll discuss our latest read, exploring its teachings and learning how we can apply its principles to our lives.